Cleaning your nebulizer is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Fill your Eluo with Methanol.
2. Insert your nebulizer, tip first, into the Eluo.
3. Clean your nebulizer by pressing the Plunger down.
Particle build-up in a nebulizer capillary and tip causes sample flow to be constricted, thereby reducing nebulizer efficiency and performance. Previously there was no simple way to effectively clean and unblock nebulizers. Now, blocked nebulizers can be safely and easily restored to optimum performance with a revolutionary new cleaning instrument – the Eluo.
The Eluo is designed to efficiently deliver a cleanser through the nebulizer capillary to dislodge particle build-up and thoroughly clean the nebulizer. One simple action does it all. No more messy procedures, waiting overnight or shattered nebulizers in ultrasonic baths.
Use the Eluo regularly to maintain nebulizer performance and prolong nebulizer life. The answer to cleaning your nebulizers is so simple, every lab should have one – the Eluo.
Part Number Description 70-ELUO Eluo Nebulizer Cleaning Tool (Glass Concentric nebulizers) 70-ELUO-OPD Eluo Nebulizer Cleaning Tool (OpalMist or DuraMist nebulizers)
Glass concentric nebulizer – requires 70-ELUO
OpalMist and DuraMist – requires 70-ELUO-OPD
The Eluo can also be conveniently used to clean the Inline Particle Filter P/N 70-803-1108 with the addition of Adaptor P/N 70-803-1160.
Spares for Eluo 703-0070 Eluo Plunger 703-0058 Eluo Barrel 70-703-0069 Eluo Nebulizer Holder for glass concentric nebulizers 70-803-0932 Eluo OPD Nebulizer Holder for OpalMist or DuraMist 70-0806 Eluo O-ring Kit (2 sets) 70-803-1160 Eluo Adaptor for Inline Filter